Q: Where is Epal Technology located?
A: EPAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD is a HK registered company. Our Office located at Shenzhen,close to LuoHu Port & HuangGang Port.
Q: What currency you use for the order?
Q: How can I get the latest price quickly?
A: Please send your requestes to sales@epaltech.com ,our sales team will response you within 24 hours.
Q: What kind of payment method you accept?
Q: How long for your prepare the order?
A: It depends on the order quantity large or small,usually 2-3 working days can finish preparing and ship out the package.
Q: How are the products packaged?
A: Individual packs in each bubble bag.Each item is safely wrapped and placed in a foam box,then put the foam box into carton and carefully sealed.
Q: How much the shipping cost?
A: The shipping costs depend on the value of your order, package's weight and volume.
Q: What's your shipping method?
Q: How to track my shipment online?
A: We will provide you the Tracking Number once package shipped out.
Q: Do you have a warranty policy?
A: Yes,we provide 6 months warranty,please contact us by email info@epaltech.com to learn more details.